Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to Cancel Your Vacation by Leaving Home

It wasn't that long ago I spent two months of two different winters by the beach.
Then it was 2012.
And I went nowhere (in oh so many ways).
Yes, in nearly two years, I've spent only one night away from my home on the Gold Coast.  Then, unexpectedly, the opportunity for me to escape for a couple of nights for some much needed rest arose. 

A simple plan was made, and vacation time began by going to a concert Sunday night in Columbus, then leaving for Indy the next morning.  Because of the time I'd be away, a neighbor came to let the dogs out.

Returning home about 11:30 and stepping out of the car, my nostrils were invaded by the stench of skunk.  This isn't too unusual in the country, and manages to permeate the house as well.  This time was no different, though it sure was strong inside too.

Dropping into bed exhausted (it was way past my bedtime), I woke up several times, noting the skunk smell still was strong.  The neighbor taking care of the dogs called me first thing in the morning.

When she let my dogs out, one ran straight for a skunk she probably had been watching for some time.  Guess which dog?
Of course it was Tilly. Foster would hardly have done that, even if he had his vision.  My poor neighbor took a direct hit from the skunk too, and she put the dogs back in the house and found her way home to bathe the scent off of her (and her truck).

That explained why the house still smelled terrible. 

Still, I was in denial, and proceeded with my vacation plans.  I even made it to the Indiana State line.  Then, I turned around.  I came home and did four loads of laundry, aired out the house and bathed the dogs (then me).

Hardly restful.  Hardly putting my feet up.  Sometimes you just have to take care of business.

By Friday, I'd managed to enjoy a break in my routine anyway.  That evening, I was to have dinner with some friends and cheerfully jumped in the car when they pulled up to the house.

"You still smell like skunk."


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why It's Fun Being Me

1. This evening I spent a fair amount of time looking through the house for my phone. I even called it from my land line. Nothing. I looked in the bed since the last call I got woke me from a very nice nap, but it wasn't there.

I didn't panic. What are the odds of someone breaking into my house and only stealing my phone. Especially when I was in the house.

It was on the charger.

2. On Yahoo I saw this headline: Beano Cook dies.

Honest to goodness--- I thought that someone who was cooking with Beano had died as a result of using too much of the over the counter medicine in a recipe. Turns out he was a football player. He must have been bummed to be named for an anti-gas medicine.

3. Tomorrow Lynne and I are going out for pumpkin pancakes. 'Nuff said.

Don't be jealousy!