Lynne and I have been through many adventures which might test the friendship of lesser persons---refrigerator cleaning, pig catching, the disturbing incident with the disposable thong when we were getting mud massages---undaunted we've decided to really push the limits of patience and tolerance. Yes, we're moving in together. Initially just for the summer, but if it goes well (and how could it not?) then for the rest of the academic year as well. So, it seems fitting to feature a picture of our roommie role models, Laverne and Shirley. Guess who's who?
Stay tuned for further adventures. Schlameel, Schlamazel.
I'm thinking Lynne is Shirley and Sue is Laverne. But then just when I'm convinced that's who's who . . . I switch you in my mind and that works for me, too. Hmmmmm.