Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Guilty Pleasure of Frankenmuth

You've seen the pretzel making, the plarn, and heard about the entertaining company and delicious food (and really, can you split a peanut butter cup four ways? NO!). But what you haven't heard is that there was something very special hidden away in a huge mega-Christmas store.

Not unlike a needle in a haystack, specialty ornaments really run the gamut at Bronner's, the self-proclaimed World's Largest Christmas Store. Sue and I spotted a billboard for Bronner's back in March on Florida. At the time, I mocked it. As in, "That's one place we don't need to bother with." Even then it was calling me. I just didn't realize it at the time.

Look at them - sock monkeys!! They're everywhere!!!!

As soon as Sue has time to plarn one up, I'll have a snugli for the little guy.

A sock monkey's home is his castle indeed!

Now, if only those "Wind-up Hopping Lederhosen" fit the sock monkey, it'd be a complete experience.

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