During a recent Fun Friday event, a haiku challenge was issued. Now, I don't know what YOU do at a party, but hey, it was Fun Friday and it was National Jump in a Puddle Day (or something). It was also "bring something stuffed" for dinner night.
Here are the results, in no particular order:
"Rain, puddles, and friends
Let frivolity begin
may it never end"
"Reflection of you-
But when walking in tandem,
Puddles reflect friends."
"How can one feel stuffed
with close friends gathered for fun
Leaves one craving more."
"Open, empty, clean
Ready to receive the goods.
Pillows, peppers, me."
"Hungry friends gather
Food tastes better when it's stuffed
Time for a nibble."
"The rain never stops
Is it time to splash a friend?
Yes! Then come and eat."
"Rain drops on a pond
filling it up to the top
Now that's a puddle."
A Week In The Life, Vol 10.
2 hours ago