Each Friday, we try to do something fun (thus the name). Sometimes it's making homemade laundry detergent (oh yes we did) and sometimes it's just sitting around reading (which is Super Deluxe Fun Friday).
This week, we had Fun Friday Eve (also known as "Thursday Night"). Trina and her son made their way to visit the Gold Coast (actually it was to visit the local college campus but that doesn't sound as enticing). We had a crockpot dinner of fajitas (you know how we feel about the crockpot) and Ty was in a fishing frenzy until we lured (haha) him away with food. Liz and Pat joined us so it turned into quite the little party, complete with Liz doing a spit gag with beer (I'm only saying that because her one daughter reads the blog - hi Hannah!).
Sue flew to the coast for her Fun Friday in Jersey. We missed her, but there's no holding back Fun Friday at Ground Zero. Pat, Trina, Ty and I went to the local scratch and dent grocery store for treasures.
It did not disappoint.
There was an advertised sale (like everything there isn't cheap enough) for soda, so Trina loaded up. There were giant greeting cards on sale for .99 - giant as in 3x2 - complete with giant envelopes. And while we all agreed that past expiration date mayo is a bad idea (there are just some things you want new), misc. finds such as hair scrunchies, little dippers and pizza shells abounded.
Then Pat found something amazing. Not unlike a Big Foot Sighting, there was a bin full of candy cigarettes! Yes, the kind that shoots out powdered sugar when you take a puff!! I didn't even know they sold them anymore. But there they were. Were. Pat bought them out. I'm not sure what her plans for them are. She's a pharmacist after all, so it could be a health concern that she wanted to abolish the entire stock. Or, maybe she plans to utilize them in a pork rind diorama.
We'll keep you posted.
A Week In The Life, Vol 10.
7 hours ago
On the list of things to do when I come home: learn how to make laundry detergent from Lynne and/or Sue (but not because they are a couple). Also, did you buy the large card?