Not every parking lot has "trash can" labelled in multiple languages. However, at Bronner's, the World's Largest Christmas store, it's a necessity.

Pat's vacation is really working. Do you see college students wearing professional pharmacy coats? That's ok because Pat probably doesn't see moles when she's hitting them with a mallet either.

What was the most overhyped feature that disappointed? The glockenspiel.

However, the Bitter Train would like to make the Pied Piper an honorary Conductor. The glockenspiel's story, though tediously told, was about the Pied Piper, who was misunderstood by the Burgermeister and the people of whatever backwater German town from which they hailed. Apparently they thought the Pied Piper used divinery and witchcraft to lead the rats away, not just his good whistle-blowin'. So when they made their accusations, the PP was filled with "bitterness and rage" (musicians can be so moody). And that's when he stole their children. All except the "crippled and blind" children who couldn't keep up. Let me just tell you that the figures who whirred around on the giant face of the clock representing the crippled and blind children was downright distressing. No wonder the PP didn't want them.
Bitterness and Rage. If I ever questioned my German heritage, that pretty much puts it to rest.
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