Perhaps there has already been an entry with the same title, but darn it, plarn keeps going places. Plarn can not be contained!
The whole gang enjoyed a fine time at Bronner's (world's largest Christmas store - you've probably seen the billboards no matter what state you're in). More on Bronner's later.
That's me with Santa. It sort of looked like Mrs. Claus extinguished her cigarettes in Santa's cheeks, but I still love him.

The Artist with one of her plarn creations.

"Give me your tired, your downtrodden, your plarn appreciaters..."

Plarn - durable at the North Pole

Let Freedom Plarn!

Gnomies hang with plarn. Frosty the Plarn Man

The Fourth Wiseman - not well known due to plarn purchase.

Elves know that plarn ascends all gifts! The Nose Knows good Plarn.

The Fourth Wise Man got there eventually...

Please note this American Indian is considerably different from the Cayman Indian. Somehow.

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