I did, for me, lots of shopping today. First there was the trip to Publix, where we bought lots of things that we can't get in Ada---fancy crackers, matzo, babaganoush, wine and sushi. Oh, and the plaintain chips. We were feeling prettty exotic.
Then this afternoon we went to---The Mall. As you might imagine, Lynne and I aren't big shoppers...unless there's a bag sale at ReStore. At Bath and Bodyworks I bought some hand soap and a purifying cleansing mask. When I checked out the clerk told me that the mask was really great but "It'll bring everything to the surface so make sure you don't use it right before a big party or anything." So, I've got that to going for me.
Then we went to Barnes and Noble where I found The Encyclopedia of Crime. Can you believe that it was in the sale bin? In a disturbing, yet impressive display of crime knowledge, I identified all but one of the photos on the cover: Patty Hearst , OJ Simpson, Al Capone, Scott Peterson, Aileen Wuornos, Charles Manson, Lee Harvy Oswald, Mark David Chapman. I haven't figure out who the last guy is, but I will. I'll just open the book randomly and share with you: Page 175 an entry about Half-Hanged Smith--in 1705 he was hanged but before he died a horseman galloped up to announce that he'd been pardoned. He was taken down and found to still be alive. Undaunted, he continued to commit crimes and likely died in prison.
Manufacturer's retail price: $40. I got it for $9.99. Can you believe it?
Finally, the trip to the tourist boutique where I purchased a glamorous new ring for only $2.99. Yep, it takes a crafty shopper to find such a treasure for less than five dollars.
And, my favorite purchase...the perfect gift for a fan whose birthday is fast approaching. Yes, it's even better than the crime encylopedia or the mask guaranteed to make me into a zitty monster.
Don't be jealousy.
A Week In The Life, Vol 10.
7 hours ago
And after all that blogging - they felt HS Diplomas would be important to those reading. Good one. Still I can't believe there's no ad for Proactive.
ReplyDeleteWell Ladies, thanks for the call. It was like a live update from the Bitter Channel...
ReplyDeleteO dear lord...that's really all I can say. Seems Lucy and Ethel are having WAY TOO MUCH FUN. Sue, does your new laptop have a built in web cam? I'll probably be sorry I asked...lol